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Dorte H

You´re welcome!

And it is quite funny that even participants who are ´sceptical about reading challenges´ love to make their own, strict rules :D


Hee hee! Even when being negative, I see I am still able to be evil (ie persuade people to obtain/read even more books!). There's a good new review of Red April here: http://www.crimesegments.com/2011/05/red-april-by-santiago-roncagliolo.html .

I guess we all have our idiosyncrasies and hence our own personal reading challenges - I am much less keen on "three shell-shocking twists per page" books (eg Splinter) these days, and similarly I find it hard to contemplate books with ritualised violence, or that dwell unnecessarily on pain.

On the crime fiction front, I enjoyed Thursday Night Widows and Nobody Loves a Policeman as examples of Argentinian crime. I also enjoyed the film The Secrets in their Eyes recently, and see that the novel is out (in translation) later this year.


Maxine, the thing that distinguishes a good reviewer is that you not only know when to go with her enthusiasms but you also know where your own taste diverges - Faber, Birkegaard etc. I bought the Secret in their Eyes on DVD following your mention, too...

I certainly don't regard violence as a selling point, but am more discouraged by low-key casual inclusion than more explicit description when it reflects a legitimate take on reality, as with Red April and, I suppose, In The Country of Men.


I did last year's global challenge using all new to me authors and it was fun tracking them all down. This year I am attempting to read more from my ridiculous amount of books I already own so I didn't add any extra restrictions but I still find the global challenge, and a few others, worth doing for prompting me to switch my reading around a bit.

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