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I very much enjoyed this book despite not being all that keen on historical fiction. (Prefer to read contemporary novels of the period concerned, if ther were any!). I think you make a good point about the female filter through which we view Stratton, he is perhaps more sensitive and "modern-thinking" than many of his time? But only a tad. I like him, and also the character of Diana in this novel. I've also read the next two books in the series, and think they improve and develop as she expands her themes. In particular, the third, A Capital Crime, is more explicitly about the mores of the day and how Stratton and one or two others feel either unnaturally constrained by them or simply kick over the traces. An excellent series, in my opinion. I did briefly meet the author after reading Stratton's War, and she told me she based the Stratton and extended family characters on one of her parent's family in north London.


Thanks, Maxine. I have a feeling it was you who pointed me to Stratton - I keep meaning to be more diligent over recording what led me to a novel.

I may stick with him, but am tempted by John Lawton... but would be surprised if either were as good as Patrick Hamilton, whose characters authentically inhabit the same milieu.

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