Mediations: Philip Young

  • Mediations comments on public relations theory and practice, with an emphasis on social media and communication ethics. Philip Young is project leader for NEMO: New Media, Modern Democracy at Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, Sweden. All views expressed here are personal and should not be seen as representing Lund University or any other organisation.

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    Good list.

    I'd suggest adding Kevin Moloney's Rethinking Public Relations: PR propaganda and democracy (2nd edition) - note the lack of punctuation in the sub title. Probably belongs under your 'theory' sub-heading.

    I won't say which of your ten I'd chop!

    Agreed, Richard. I rate Moloney highly... though I do wish he had written one more chapter, suggesting a way forward.

    Agree that Kevin is a must on a PR reading list. Whenever I talk with him (being lucky enough to have that pleasure at Bournemouth Uni), I feel that he isn't in the business of suggesting ways forward however as he likes to draw that thinking out of you. For me the best type of writing also does this - leaves you thinking about how to address the issues raised.

    A very useful list, and definitely one to share with my students. I'm another who'd add Moloney - and Heath as well. I also find Coombs and Holladay's PR Strategy and Application useful. However, that takes me way over the 'ten books' total as there's only one on your list that I probably wouldn't include.

    I agree with you on all of these however my one criticism is that they all mostLy put forward a Eurocentric perspective of PR. I'd also add Sriramesh's The Global Public Relations Handbook (Revised and Expanded Edition), and not just because he is the office next door! In particular it offers some great insights to PR in Asia.

    I like Moloney. PR is propaganda (in a nice way). For e-PR I recommend Barefoot D, Szabo J, 2009. Friends With Benefits. A Social Media Marketing Handbook. No Starch Press: San Francisco.
    As a general PR text (particularly for Australians) Harrison K, 2010. Strategic Public Relations: A Practical Guide to Success. 6th ed. Perth: Palgrave.

    Gregory, Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns is a brillant book, a must have

    Agreed, Richard. I rate Moloney highly... though I do wish he had written one more chapter, suggesting a way forward.

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