Mediations: Philip Young

  • Mediations comments on public relations theory and practice, with an emphasis on social media and communication ethics. Philip Young is project leader for NEMO: New Media, Modern Democracy at Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, Sweden. All views expressed here are personal and should not be seen as representing Lund University or any other organisation.

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    So, Philip: any chance of seeing you joining?

    I have been trying to, even before your kind invite, but alhough I have exchanged emails with Allan, I am obviously too insignificant to be a Nobody...
    So, unlike you I am officially an Invisible Nobody!

    You have joined when you declare yourself a Nobody. Everything else is just administrative detail...

    Welcome to the International Association of Nobodies, Philip!


    Things are a bit backlogged right now. I'm so sorry. But so glad you're going to join!

    Sorry I was running behind... the response has been tremendous. I believe you are all signed up now!

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