A couple of days ago I started to write an article about the ways in which ideas - in this case Scoop! - spread across the blogosphere. Around the same time, "somebody" called David Murray put up a post on his blog. I wonder how many PR practitioners (or social software pundits) could, hand on heart, claim to say they could have predicted where it would lead.
Here's a flavour of the post:
There’s this guy named Allan Jenkins. Chances are, you’ve never heard of him.
Well, he’s a communication consultant with a blog. (Which is like saying he’s a dog with a tail.)
One day I was reading his stupidly-named blog, “Desirable Roasted Coffee.” I read his blog a lot, despite the fact that Jenkins is pretty much a nobody in the communication business. I read it because he’s smart and unpredictable and rude sometimes. I like it when he’s rude. In a vaguely kinky way, I even like it when Jenkins is rude to me.
If you haven't picked up on what it led to, maybe you haven't been paying attention! Which is, of course, far from saying you are a nobody in the comms business!!!
The interesting thing now is to see how this spreads outside the relatively small circle of Nobodies who, in the loosest way, sort of know each other, at least through a friend of a friend...
PS I do wonder how many people enjoy reading David Murray more than Allan Jenkins? Or learn more from him? Not many I suggest.
So, Philip: any chance of seeing you joining?
Posted by: Serge Cornelus | April 09, 2006 at 07:41 PM
I have been trying to, even before your kind invite, but alhough I have exchanged emails with Allan, I am obviously too insignificant to be a Nobody...
So, unlike you I am officially an Invisible Nobody!
Posted by: Philip Young | April 09, 2006 at 07:48 PM
You have joined when you declare yourself a Nobody. Everything else is just administrative detail...
Welcome to the International Association of Nobodies, Philip!
Posted by: Eric Eggertson | April 09, 2006 at 11:24 PM
Things are a bit backlogged right now. I'm so sorry. But so glad you're going to join!
Posted by: Andrea Weckerle | April 09, 2006 at 11:57 PM
Sorry I was running behind... the response has been tremendous. I believe you are all signed up now!
Posted by: Allan Jenkins | April 10, 2006 at 09:43 AM