The EuroBlog2006 survey is now running until Friday, December 16. We have already collected a healthy crop of responses but as several new partners have recently joined the project we need to give them time to get the message out to practitioners.
There are clear national patterns emerging, not least in the way in which different countries respond (or don't respond) to surveys. The highest per capita responses so far have come from Norway (population 4,593,041 responses 43) and, better still, Slovenia, (population 2,011,070, responses 20); if only we could stir up the same enthusiasm in France, Italy and (keen but breaking no records) the UK.
Please help to get the word out to European practitioners, ideally by emailing your colleagues and asking them to forward it to their own networks.
This is an academic project, not a commercial venture, and will hopefully provide some valuable data for practitioners across Europe and beyond.
What if "no data at all, or few data from some country" has some meaning too? I'm afraid of think of that ...
Posted by: Nebojsa Damjanovich | November 27, 2005 at 09:35 PM
Don't worry! We are quite pleased with responses fom Hungary. Thanks for your efforts.
Posted by: Philip Young | November 27, 2005 at 10:15 PM