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March 13, 2008


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Sue Wolstenholme

Hi Philippe, You have done a great job here and I have enjoyed reliving many of the fine moments. I just wanted to clarify a couple of points that the notes on my words did not put across very well. I actually applaud rag mags - I think they, along with many other anti establishment, underground or subversive publications, are important to fuel debate and drive change. And I wasn't calling for an ethical code, I cited that blog because one of the points on the proposed code was to be rid of anonymity -it was the only place that I found such a call. I stressed during the questions that I'm not fond of rule books but I was depressed by the style of the often anonymous comments on the 84 pages following Tim O'Reilly's call for a code. The ideas were more trashed than debated and it seemed pointless.

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