EuroBlog SMA 2011

  • About the Awards
    The EuroBlog Social Media Awards are part of Euprera's EuroBlog project which has been investigating the impact of social media on PR practice since 2005


    The European Public Relations Education and Research Association (Euprera) is a network where the members attract, convey, disseminate and create innovations in Public Relations and communication. We are an autonomous organisation that aims at stimulating and promoting innovative knowledge and practices of public relations education and research in Europe. We have direct and intensive contacts with the most prominent practitioners of each country of Europe. Follow Euprera on Twitter. We are @euprera

Award Judges 2011

Award Judges 2010

Participants 2010

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brainwashed, pro-gay you're seriously paiethtc. i never take the time to argue with someone on youtube, but if you want stop all the wrong in the world, get off the computer and do something about all the children being kidnapped everyday or all the pervs that are raping girls my age, oh wait.. u CAN'T do anything about them.. atleast go try to stop that 15 year kid from buying a bag of cocaine, maybe u can manage that. stop taking love out of the world and replacing it with hate.

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