Behind The Spin

  • What is Behind the Spin?
    Welcome to the web log of Behind the Spin, the magazine for and written by Public Relations students. Behind the Spin was first produced by students from the College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth, but was quickly opened to students, practitioners and academics across the UK. The print magazine is published three times a year, the blog will updated every Monday. Please send articles for consideration to Editor John Hitchins (you can comment any item by clicking Comment at the bottom of each post).

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February 01, 2006


Stephen Davies

While I agree with the notion that good health and physical benefits come from a planned and sustained diet and exercise regime, I disagree with your argument regarding the relevance of training advice given from Arnold Schwarzenegger.

You say: “For those sane enough to avoid steroid abuse, his training ‘advice’ has absolutely no relevance.”

He was, and still is, the most successful bodybuilder ever, winning a record number of Olympia titles. Dedicating every day of his life for 20+ years to the sport; eating only foods that were deemed appropriate for training and muscle growth, and studying the mechanical, physical and biochemical functions of the human body to improve every part of his training. And although it’s no secret that he did take steroids, which he has openly admitted to, there were, and still are far worse culprits than himself.

“The biggest names with the biggest muscles sell magazines and thus generate profit.”

This may have had relevance 20 or 30 years ago but how many people in the year 2006 aspire to have the appearance of the now governor of California when in his physical prime? Few and far between.

It could also depend on how a person defines Schwarzenegger as a role model. Is it solely because he had the physical appearance of Adonis or could it be because he came from a poor family living in a small village in Austria who grew up to be one of the most recognisable people in the world? Breaking Hollywood box offices in the process and being tipped as a possible future White House tenant.

“There are training methods that work for all who apply them sensibly and consistently, and with the required discipline and effort over time, although you’ll rarely find them written about in mainstream health and bodybuilding magazines.”

The most popular health magazine for men in the US, UK and probably the world, Men’s Health, have featured articles every month on appropriate training routines and correct diet. Not once have they championed the use of steroids and in fact, frequently feature articles on their dangers. Not only this, they advise on other aspects of male health, including testicular cancer, binge drinking and injuries.

“Proper and successful training doesn’t require fancy supplements, elaborate machines or trendy gym-clothes. It requires hard work on basic compound exercises to promote steadily increased development over a period of years.”

True, training doesn’t require supplements for growth, but there are certain **legal** supplements that have been scientifically proven to help growth and physical output, for example, the amino acid, Creatine.


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