Behind The Spin

  • What is Behind the Spin?
    Welcome to the web log of Behind the Spin, the magazine for and written by Public Relations students. Behind the Spin was first produced by students from the College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth, but was quickly opened to students, practitioners and academics across the UK. The print magazine is published three times a year, the blog will updated every Monday. Please send articles for consideration to Editor John Hitchins (you can comment any item by clicking Comment at the bottom of each post).

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October 15, 2005



hi ! my name is hassan and i am a french student in Nantes in France. I ve just read your dissertation and i find it very interesting. I am following courses in order to pass my Master in international businnes. So i wonder if you could give me some adresses of companies to carry my work placement?


hi ! my name is hassan and i am a french student in Nantes in France. I ve just read your dissertation and i find it very interesting. I am following courses in order to pass my Master in international businnes. So i wonder if you could give me some adresses of companies to carry my work placement?

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